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The October 12th PSAT will be held at San Clemente High School for students who have previously signed up and paid for the exam. Students will need to bring a fully charged district Chromebook, a picture ID, pencils, a calculator and a snack/water for the break. STUDENTS SHOULD ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 7:45am; DOORS WILL OPEN AT 8:00am. Room assignements will be posted outside of room 202 and the Counseling office Friday afternoon. If you have any questions, please see Mr. O'Rourke in room 203.

We highly recommend that all students do the following:
1) Go online to College board and create a College Board account to view the online version of the score report. The online version has lots more information and resources for your student...and it is FREE. OR, download the Big Future Mobile App (see above).
Accessing your Score
a) After students log in to their College Board account, they should click Add Scores. In the Matching Tool, it is essential that the information in their account matches what they entered on their answer sheet. For example, if they put “Elizabeth” on their answer sheet and “Beth” in their account, their scores will not load. If they need to change their name, they must call Customer Service. All other changes can be made right in their account.
b) If that still doesn’t populate the scores, the student will be prompted to indicate which test they’re missing and put in their unique access code to assist the match. This code is listed on the hard copy of the results that your student can pick up in the Guidance Office.
c) If you need help understanding your scores, follow this link: College Readiness - understanding scores
d) If you are still unable to view your scores after trying the above steps, you will need to contact CollegeBoard at 866-433-7728.
Improving your Score
1) Create a Khan academy account at sat practice. and link this account with their College Board account. This will allow each student to have FREE access to:
a) A tailored practice plan - Import your PSAT/NMSQT results and pinpoint your areas of need to practice.
b) Interactive practice - Thousands of practice questions, video lessons, and hints.
c) Practice test and more - 7 official full-length practice tests, plus study and test -taking tips.