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information regarding CUSD Spring Driver's Education will be sent out the end of January-beginning of February 2024. The course will be free for students.
Students who wish to take the course earlier may sign up for online drivers permit ed classes through the link below. The price for the course is $65.
Parking Permits
All Lower Lot Parking is SOLD OUT!
Upper Lot is still available
Welcome to the 2024-2025
Parking Permit Application Process
Before you get started, you will need to have the following items ready to upload:
- Parking Permit Regulations form.
- A valid driver’s license (Driver’s permits are not accepted).
- A current vehicle registration for the car you will be driving.
- A copy of your last semester grades.
- The Certificate of Completion from the Impact Teen Driver module.
Things that will delay or prohibit you from getting a permit.
- Unserved consequences from the 2023-2024 school year.
- Any failing grades from the Spring Semester of 2024.
- Being on a Behavior Contract Steps 2 - 5.
Are not eligible at this time.
Are still able to apply. Please see Mrs. Hunn for details.Seniors:
Are still able to apply. Please see Mrs. Hunn for details.Now, let's get started!
First, students that have never had a parking permit at San Clemente High School must complete the Impact Teen Drivers Learning Module. If you had a parking permit last year and have already completed the GDL module but cannot find the certificate, take a piece of paper and write that you had a parking permit last year in lieu of the certificate.Please be aware that in order to receive the confirmation of completion, you will need to fill out the survey at the end of the presentation. FILLING OUT THE SURVEY IS THE ONLY WAY TO VERIFY THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE MODULE.
Once you complete the survey, you will receive an email with the certificate from info@impactteendrivers.org. Please check your junk email if you completed the survey and didn't receive an email.
Your GDL Certificate will look like this:

Next, you will need to fill out the Parking Permit Regulations form.
Lastly, all students must upload their documents to a Google Form here.
What to expect after applying for a parking permit.
You will receive confirmation that your form has been accepted from Google. Please see Mrs. Hunn at the Parking Permit desk. It is located through the door to the immidiate left of the Guidance Window. Please bring payment (cash, check, credit/debit card, Google or Apple Pay) with you and you will be instructed on your next steps.You will need to bring receipt of payment and your driver's license to pick up your parking permit.