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  • Saturday, September 21st from 7:30pm-10:00pm on the stadium practice field.  Our theme for all things Homecoming is Triton Throwbacks, which is our take on 80's (ish) movies.  The dance/carnival will be a little different again this year.  First, it will be outside.  Second, it will include carnival rides, games and food.  You won't want to miss it.  
  • Tickets go on sale August 26th in the Activities Office. Ticket sales end Thursday, September 19th at the end of lunch.  THERE WILL BE NO TICKET SALES AFTER the end of lunch on September 19th . Tickets can be purchased on our WEBSTORE anytime or in the Activities Office before school (7:45 am) at break and at lunch.  PLEASE NOTE, THE ACTIVITIES OFFICE IS NEVER OPEN AFTER SCHOOL.
  • Ticket prices:  August 26th - September 8th at midnight ($50 w/ASB; $60 w/out), September 9th - 15th at midnight ($60 w/ASB; $70 w/out, September 16th - 19th at the end of lunch ($70 w/ASB; $80 w/out).  Please note tickets will not be sold after September 19th  at the end of lunch and students will not be admitted to the dance without a ticket.  ABYSS CARD HOLDERS...Your Homecoming ticket is included in the ABYSS package so you do not need to purchase a ticket.  Not sure if you have an ABYSS card?  Check the says "The ABYSS card" on the bottom.   Please note,  ALL guest tickets are $80 regardless of when they are purchased.
  • Make sure you have your current ID – it is your ticket into the dance.  All dance tickets are linked to an individual student’s ID card.  Tickets are non-transferable, non-refundable and not for resale.  
  • You must enter the dance by 8:30 pm or you will not be granted entry. 
  • You must remain at the dance until 9:00pm.
  • We will be breathalyzing all students at the entrance to the dance.  Any student testing positive for alcohol will be directed towards our Sheriff's Deputies for further analysis.  We just want to make sure everyone is safe and we don’t have anyone who is driving to or from the dance under the influence.  This procedure serves as a deterrent to student drinking and empowers students with an additional tool to make the right choices.
  • Dancing Guidelines (applies on and off the dance floor): Inappropriate behavior and any form of moshing and/or crowd surfing will result in a student receiving a warning and possible "timeout".  A second warning will result in the student being asked to leave the event and will make him or her ineligible to attend all future dances for the remainder of the school year. Parents will be notified. 
  • Smart casual attire is required. School/CUSD Dress guidelines apply to school dances. Clothing that is too short and/or revealing is not permitted.  Costumes are not appropriate for this dance and you will not be allowed to enter wearing a costume.
  • You must wear shoes at all times!  If your shoes are uncomfortable to dance in, bring sneakers or flip flops to change into. Coat check will not accept shoes unless you have another pair of shoes to wear during the dance.
  • Avoid lost items and theft.  Do not bring valuables or large amounts of money to the dance.
  • Students must be picked up no later than 10:30 pm.