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Two-Way Immersion Program

TWI Coordinator: Nicolas Dewald
Welcome to the Two-Way Immersion Spanish Program at San Clemente High School! This program was designed to offer students continued opportunities to build upon their experiences and expand their receptive and productive capabilities in Spanish to a professional level at SCHS. Through the study of culture, history, literature, and contemporary world issues students are immersed in language throughout their four years of study.
Two-Way Immersion students will have the opportunity to enroll in a rigorous TWI Program at SCHS. Our TWI Program offers students the unique experience of learning collaboratively in classes with native Spanish and native English speakers. Students in the TWI Program develop positive cross-cultural attitudes and gain a greater appreciation for international cultures. The TWI Program Standard and Accelerated Pathways guide and give students options to reach their full potential.
¡Bienvenidos al programa de idioma en San Cemente High School! Este programa se ha formado para proveer una continuación de oportunidades para desarrollar y expandir las destrezas productivas de todos nuestros estudiantes. A través del estudio de la cultura, historia, literatura y las cuestiones globales más importantes, nuestros estudiantes estarán rodeados por el idioma en todas sus clases.
Los estudiantes del programa bilingüe tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un programa avanzado en SCHS. Nuestro programa les ofrece una oportunidad de continuar sus estudios del español con hispano y angloparlantes colaborando juntos en todas sus clases. Los estudiantes estarán siempre expuestos a los estudios con perspectivas multiculturales para que puedan mejor apreciar las culturas internacionales. El programa ofrece dos rutas, la primera de nivel medio y la segunda acelerada para que todos tengan la oportunidad de realizar sus metas con el idioma.
Language Immersion Input Form / Formulario para Comentarios sobre el Programa de Inmersión
If you have any comments or questions you would like to share with the TWI Language Immersion Advisory Committee, please complete the attached form and return to the Guidance Office. You may also e-mail, TWI Coordinator, Nicolas Dewald at nidewald@capousd.org
Si tiene algún comentario o pregunta que le gustaría compartir con el Comité Asesor de Inmersión de Idiomas de TWI, por favor complete el formulario adjunto a este mensaje y entregue a la Oficina de Orientación. También puede enviar un correo electrónico a Nicolas Dewald, coordinador de TWI, en nidewald@capousd.org
Language Immersion Parent Input Form.docx

All courses are yearlong and conducted in Spanish
TWI III: This course is designed to further strengthen language proficiency for Two-Way Immersion students. Students will participate in learning activities which emphasize meaningful communication, fluency, critical thinking skills, and cultural awareness. This course is designed to create bilingual, biliterate and bicultural students. This course is open to students who demonstrate prerequisite competencies in oral and/or written Spanish.
TWI World History: Explores the key events and global historical developments since 600 B.C.E to the world we live in today. World History allows students to engage interpret and analyze various aspects of human experience: economics, science, religion, philosophy, politics & law, military conflict, literature & the arts. This course prepares students for AP European History. *Students taking this course as 9th graders will receive honors credit.
Spanish IV: Develops academic vocabulary through the study of the history, art, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Short stories, newspapers, magazines, poetry, music and films are used to enhance the knowledge of the language and culture.
IB Spanish Standard Level:* Aims to develop linguistic competence and intercultural understanding. Readings and discussions are based on the IB core themes of Communication and Media, Global Issues, Social Relations as well as at least two of the following IB options: Customs and Traditions, Cultural Diversity, Leisure, Health, Science and Technology. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to take the IB Spanish Standard Level exam.
AP Spanish Language and Culture:* The course content revolves around six main Advanced Placement (AP) themes. The goal is to demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s) of Spanish speaking countries by comparing the practices, products, and perspectives of the target culture with their home culture. Students will develop their communication skills and increase cultural awareness and understanding through the use of authentic sources and real-life settings. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to take the AP Spanish Language & Culture exam.
IB Spanish Higher Level:* Aims to deepen linguistic competence and intercultural understanding. Readings and discussions are based on the IB core themes. This course places additional emphasis on discussion of controversial and philosophical topics. Additionally, there is a literature component. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to take the IB Spanish Higher Level exam.
* Indicates a weighted class
All courses meet high school and college (UC/CSU) requirements.
The IB courses are part of the International Baccalaureate Program that aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The IB Program encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with other differences, can also be right.
TWI students can benefit from this program by completing the entire two year curriculum (IB Spanish SL & IB Spanish HL) that are an integral part of the IB diploma; an internationally recognized diploma of distinction and merit.